Has anyone found this situation before? Does the use of employee-owned vehicles for business travel fall under the EU Taxonomy? The regulation mentions ‘operation of vehicles,’ but it seems to refer to company-owned or leased vehicles. Since personal cars used for business trips are not company assets, would this type of travel be excluded from Taxonomy reporting?
1 Answer
Anonymous User
Hi Lucia,
private cars do not fall under the EU Taxonomy. The description of the activity you probably mean is “Purchase, financing, renting, leasing and operation of vehicles designated as category M1(258), N1(259), both falling under the scope of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council(260), or L (2- and 3-wheel vehicles and quadricycles)(261).” With the EU Taxonomy, you usually report operating expenses (Opex) under the activity, which do not exist in relation to private cars.
All that could be incurred in terms of costs would be if the employee were reimbursed for travel expenses (and gasoline would not be possible because that only includes electric cars), but that is not actually the operating expenses that are meant here.