FAQ.- Will the information shared in the CBAM Transitional Registry be kept confidential?
Will the information shared in the CBAM Transitional Registry be kept confidential?
1 Answer
Anonymous User
Yes, according to Article 14 of the CBAM Regulation, the data in the CBAM registry is confidential, except for operator names, addresses, and contact details, along with installation locations in third countries. Additionally, Article 13 of the CBAM Regulation and Article 15 of the Implementing Regulation impose a duty of professional secrecy on the competent national authority.
While some data is necessary to support reported emissions levels, much of it is optional and sensitive. Operators can choose to share detailed or synthesized data in the optional Excel template, providing flexibility and allowing them to protect sensitive information.
The Commission is exploring options for producers to directly submit data to the Registry in the definitive period, ensuring confidentiality.