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Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR)

The Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) establishes a framework for setting ecodesign requirements on specific product groups.

It enables the setting of performance and information conditions – known as ‘ecodesign requirements’ – for almost all categories of physical goods (with some exceptions, such as food and feed, including to:-

  • Improve product durability, reusability, upgradability and reparability
  • Make products more energy and resource-efficient
  • Address the presence of substances that inhibit circularity
  • Increase recycled content
  • Make products easier to remanufacture and recycle
  • Set rules on carbon and environmental footprints
  • Improve the availability of information on product sustainability

The ESPR also contains new measures, like a Digital Product Passport (DPP), a digital identity card for products, components, and materials, which will store relevant information to support products’ sustainability, promote their circularity and strengthen legal compliance.

This information will be accessible electronically, making it easier for consumers, manufacturers, and authorities to make more informed decisions related to sustainability, circularity and regulatory compliance. It will allow custom authorities to perform automatic checks on the existence and authenticity of the DPPs of imported products.

Information to be included in the DPP will be identified by the Commission, in close consultation with all relevant stakeholders, and will depend on the specific product in question. This information can include:

  • Product’s technical performance
  • Materials and their origins
  • Repair activities
  • Recycling capabilities
  • Lifecycle environmental impacts

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ESG Regulations