Are there guidelines available for calculating solar panel emissions?
MaxJungmann Answered question 6 days ago
1 Answer
Anonymous User
Dear Fatima Khalilova,
Thank you very much for your important question! For past projects, we compiled the following information:
- The International Financial Institutions Technical Working Group On Greenhouse Gas Accounting developed a harmonized approach for the assessment of mitigation benefits or net GHG emissions of renewable energy project in accordance with the IFI Framework for a Harmonized Approach to Greenhouse Gas Accounting): - Mehedi, Gemechu & Kumar (2022) Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions and energy footprints of solar energy systems *Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions and energy footprints of utility-scale solar energy systems (
- Bosmans et al 2021 Greenhouse gas footprints of utility-scale photovoltaic facilities at the global scale Greenhouse gas footprints of utility-scale photovoltaic facilities at the global scale (
Feel free to reach out in case there is anything specific we can help with!
MaxJungmann Answered question 6 days ago