I would like to know if all companies obligated to report under the CSRD are also required to report on the EU Taxonomy.
Are there any differences in terms of economic thresholds, employee count, industries, or other related factors?
Additionally, are there specific changes or requirements for banks and financial institutions?
2 Answers
Anonymous User
Of course it helps!! Thank you very much Anna Lena.
Anonymous User
Anyone who makes official statements on the sustainability of their economic activities must comply with the EU taxonomy. This includes all companies subject to the CSRD, but also investors such as banks and investment companies that have financial reporting obligations. Both requirements are also relevant for companies that are not affected: SMEs in particular can be indirectly affected by the CSRD and the EU taxonomy if they act as suppliers to directly affected companies.
Financial institutions must not only assess their own activities, but also disclose the taxonomy compliance of their financial products and investments. This is called the “Green Asset Ratio” (GAR) and the “Banking Book Taxonomy Alignment Ratio” (BTAR). These metrics show how sustainable the bank’s loan and investment portfolio is in line with the taxonomy.
Hope this helps!